Friday, September 25, 2009

Career Directions

     I am studying fine art here at Flagler College. While I have no intention of becoming a “fine artist,” I find it the closest thing to the education I desire in order to become the well-rounded multi faceted creative juggernaut that I am becoming as is offered by this fine establishment. I have been selling paintings since I was 19 years old and had my first one man show at twenty-two followed by several others in Orlando, Florida, my home town. After a four-year debacle with the music business from 2002- 2006, it was the visual arts that I returned to as my main focus as the visual arts are in my mind more effective than the whorish music industry in reaching people. Shepherd Fairy’s Obama poster is a perfect example. It is effectiveness that I am most interested in regarding my chosen career path. I want to change minds. Contrary to what we are being constantly told through the social ambiguities and cultural relevancy that has become a trend in our diversifying marketplace, I believe there is still such a thing as the truth and it is truth that I am interested in. It is truth that people are drawn toward. It is truth that people pay for. It is truth that I hope to be a proponent of. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. It can also be worth millions of dollars, depending on how clever it is marketed.  Due to the quickening in today’s understanding due largely to technological advances and thus an ever-decreasing attention span in your average citizen due to the constant bombardment of information that constantly assaults us daily, I have come to realize that effectiveness will best be obtained visually. ADD. is not a book reader. A well-trained visual artist can change an opinion in seconds and opinions aren’t hard to change these days as our children are told that there are no such things as absolutes, which is laughable. The human eye takes in an average of 24 frames a second or at least that’s what film is set to deliver to the eye. There’s a lot of opportunity in that second to reach the viewer passing by. People aren’t stupid. Not all of them.
     So far as which of the topics listed in the first reading to address, I choose them all. They’re all relevant to what I’m doing here. The economy is crashing as it was designed to by the global banking cartel, which can be addressed infinitely by a visual propagandist. Good news for me. There is also now a greater opportunity for someone working from home to creatively explore new avenues that have been up until the novelty of our present situation occurred, hidden or uncharted. I have up until two years ago been computer illiterate. Hello, school. Technology has allowed me to exponentially diversify creatively. Film and Web Design are worth mastering or at least worth a minor.
     Globalization is old news. It’s just now being publicly realized as inevitable. Before coming here for school, I was living in Hong Kong where it is more transparently happening. I hope to go back there. After all, America as we’ve known it is no longer and while this is unfortunate for the patriot, it is obviously where our present administration is heading which is painfully obvious due to the egomaniacal speeches our president is making regarding himself, his role, and who he has assumed we are to be according to his vision. He’s not the first and won’t be the last proponent of this goal. While it seems inevitable that globalization is where we are going, the process of getting there has more to do with control of many by few than with establishing a global utopian village as we are being coerced into believing is the goal. Keeping this in mind will, of course, be essential if there is to be any hope in being effective as an artist and entrepreneur in this slippery slope climate. If you can’t beat them, infiltrate them, which leads to cultural diversity. Cultural diversity is a clever way of keeping everyone agreeable and passive in a morally relevant society ruled by the same Anglo- Saxons who’ve been in power for centuries and who are socializing the work place today. No one wants to be labeled a racist.  I get it. All of this fits into the World Events envelope snugly. The goings on in our world today is both unprecedented and novel. We live in a truly enigmatic age and for the visual artist there is ample opportunity to exploit myriad issues with ample effectiveness. And it is effectiveness that I am interested in.

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